Donation made to the Summer of Social Good

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In today’s times the further we can make our dollars stretch, the better.

I just made a donation to the Summer of Social Good for a variety of reasons:

1. The donation is going to several very good causes: The Humane Society of the United States, Oxfam America, WWF, and Livestrong, the Lance Armstrong Foundation.
2. If I make a donation I get some retweets on Twitter as well as a listing on Mashable’s blog which is rated #4 by Technorati at last check.
3. As a relative newcomer to the world of social networking I can see first hand how being mentioned, linked, etc. might help our business, website, etc.

So for one donation I reap a lot benefits.

I consider that great use of my dollars in today’s tight economy. Thanks to for helping make it possible and I hope that the Summer of Social Good is a successful effort on everyone’s part.

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