How I got help with eczema!

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Hi. I’m Susan and I want to share how I got help with eczema that cropped up after the birth of my son.

It started as just a small patch on one leg but eventually got so bad that I was embarrased to wear dresses. The itching was so intense at times that I would scratch until I bled.

I went to a dermatologist who prescribed cortisone cream, but it didn’t really help. Not only that, using cortisone on a long term basis is not good for your overall health. Don’t forget it’s a steroid.

One day I happened to purchase a natural hair conditioning product, and the sales person mentioned that you could put it on your legs and use it as a shaving cream. After several months of using this I realized that the patch of eczema on my leg was almost gone.

Leg with eczema
Leg with eczema

This little light bulb went off in my head about how important it is what you put on your skin. So I started researching skin care recipes at the library. We had moved out to the country so I didn’t really have places to shop. I wanted to try to make some of my own natural skincare products. I wanted to learn how to make products that helped my skin feel better.

So I started playing around with that and my guiding principle was to make things that were all natural and using essential oils. So I started making some of my own products and my skin got better. I wish I could say that it was all uphill but unfortunately, it wasn’t. I was able to get rid of the eczema on my hands within a year or so primarily by keeping a jar of my body scrub by the kitchen sink and literally scrubbing any chance I got.

Getting help with eczema on my legs was a much more difficult job. Over time I have developed knowledge and habits that for the most part have solved the problem of eczema on my legs as well. But if I slack off or don’t listen to my body I can still have flareups.

My Action Plan for Help with Eczema

I believe eczema is an auto immune disease. Once you have it, it is not a question of curing it but of controlling it. I share here what I have found to work for me. I think you will find many of these suggestions helpful, but you may have to adjust them some to work for you!

Lavender can help with eczemaPin
  • Once you start SCRATCHING it’s pretty much all over but the Fat Lady singing. It’s Really HARD to Stop!!

Here are my suggestions, tips and observations to help reduce the itching, so as to reduce the scratching. You HAVE to stop scratching so that your skin can actually start healing!

  1. Eliminate products with fragrance oil in them. Use either unscented skin care products or reach for products with essential oils. I suggest in particular the essential oils of tea tree, lavender and or patchouli. Use unscented laundry detergent for your clothes and sheets.
  2. Wear clothes that are not irritating to your skin. Not scratchy or too tight or in any way bothersome. For example, I can only wear certain kinds of leggings and not at all in warm weather. Choose your clothing by what is comfortable and not irritating. Not the latest fashion.
  3. Do what ever you can to NOT scratch. My pro tip to avoid scratching is to use a body scrub. For me this is like a free pass to scratch, umm scrub. Here I prefer either my Lavender Sage Salt Glow or Eucalyptus & Tea Tree Sugar Scrub.
  4. As mentioned, my eczema is on my legs and as a woman, I find that keeping my legs shaved regularly helps keep the itching down. Having stubble promotes itching.
  5. Moisturize regularly. As mentioned above I use my body scrubs. I also use some type of moisturizer, usually my Body Oil (Lavender Sage or Frankincense & Myrrh). If really feel itchy I may reach for my Body Butter (Lavender) or Lotion Bar (Lavender or Patchouli). I have had customers report Patchouli Lotion Bars helping for them and still others tell me they had success with using lots and lots of cocoa butter.
  6. Your skin is largest organ, so all the things you do for you help with eczema too. Drinking plenty of water, getting plenty of rest and excercise and eating right all play a part.
  7. If things get really bad and you can’t seem to get a handle on it yourself, ask your doctor for a prescription strength cortisone cream just to get your skin to calm down enough so you won’t scratch and it can heal. Then continue on with your natural healing approach.
  8. Overall, listen to your body. If it makes your skin itch don’t do it or wear it or eat it.
  9. And above all DON’T SCRATCH!!
Stack of Eucalyptus & Tea Tree Soap BarsPin
Eucalyptus & Tea Tree Soap can help with Eczema

Here are some soap scent recommendations:

Good luck and know that I am rooting for you. I am certainly not a doctor but if you have questions that I can help you with please leave them in the comments below!


What is the main cause of eczema?

As I mentioned above it is an auto immune condition. Here is a more technical, detailed answer from the Cleveland Clinic – “Eczema (atopic dermatitis) is caused by a combination of immune system activation, genetics, environmental triggers and stress. Your immune system. If you have eczema, your immune system overreacts to small irritants or allergens. This overreaction can inflame your skin.”

How can you get rid of eczema?

There is no known cure for eczema and the rashes don’t simply go away if left alone. Most advice talks about avoiding triggers. Other than avoiding anything causing itchy skin, my advice above is a little more proactive on steps you can take.

Does stress cause eczema?

It doesn’t cause eczema per se, but stress causes cortisol to be released into the body. In large enough doses, cortisol increases inflammation in the body which in turn can cause a flareup of your eczema.

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