Every time a major overhaul of a website occurs there are always changes, updates, moves, etc. This post was originally published back in 2015 so obviously lots has changed! I did a blog post and sent out a newsletter a month or so ago when the revision went live, but I wanted to update this post with some additional information. I know I talked about the ability for you to leave reviews and my hope that you would, but we have some other new things of note as well.
- We now offer Gift Certificates. I had tried offering that option on our previous platform but it did not seem to operate very smoothly. This is up and running with no problems that I am aware of and you can choose whatever amount you want to gift. You can find them here.
- I am offering more items at a time on sale and you can find them listed on our home page.
- We have a Privacy Policy
- There are updated Terms, Shipping and FAQ pages as well. All of these are located at the bottom of our home page.
- Our Blog now has a link directly to it on the main navigation bar.
- Now you only need to log in if you want to access your order history (or if you are a wholesale buyer). Because of this, there is an account link at both the top right-hand corner of the page as well as at the bottom left of the page. After clicking on this link you can then log in. Note: You will need to reset your password if you not already done so.
- Find Us on the main navigation bar shows you shows we will be at and stores that carry our products.
- About Us, also on the main navigation bar tells you more about me and how I came to begin Susan’s Soaps & More.

This is our current home page so that you can quickly see what is on sale. I did have the photo of a lavender plant and I would certainly love any feedback you would care to give as to which look you prefer.
Lastly, I would like to make a plea as regards our newsletter. If you are a subscriber and decide for any reason that you no longer wish to receive it then please click the link to unsubscribe. If you have an issue with something regarding the newsletter we mail out then please feel free to contact me. But I would like to ask you to please not “list a complaint.” Many of the large mail servers such as AT&T (att.net, sbcglobal.net, prodigy.net, swbell.net to list a few) have automated filters that can designate a site as spamming without really looking at what’s going on. If AT&T blocks my site’s emails then customers won’t receive their order confirmations or be able to retrieve lost passwords or get an email from me in answer to their question. Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter!
That is it for now but I do have more updates/improvements coming which I am excited to share with you.
Until the next post,