Geranium Essential Oil – 3 Reasons it’s so Great!

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I think Geranium essential oil is great for a number of reasons but here is the short answer:

  • Geranium is a great way to a radiant glowing complexion, naturally.
  • Its wonderful scent is a natural mood booster.
  • This essential oil has a natural affinity for women and helps balance out many of our hormonal ups & downs.
Egyptian Rose Soap created with geranium essential oilPin
Egyptian Rose & Sweet Orange Soap

Geranium (pelargonium graveolens)

The geranium family is a large one. The plant that is cultivated to produce the oil is pelargonium graveolens. What is growing in that basket on your porch is most likely Pelargonium ร— hortorum. They are not the same thing.

The pelargonium graveolens is native to the Cape Provinces, and the northern provinces of South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. It is a medium sized shrub with velvety leaves that are soft to the touch. The flowers vary from pale pink to almost white and bloom from August to January.

The leaves may be strongly rose-scented, although the leaf shape and scent vary. Some plants are very strongly scented and others have little or no scent.

What does Geranium smell like?

So, what does this “other” geranium smell like? Most describe it as a softer, rose-floral scent with a herbaceous hint or have a fresh, green scent with floral notes. We deliberately did not call our soap geranium because too many people would have associated with the scent from the plant they have on their front porch.

 This is one of the few floral scents that is reasonably priced enough to use in soaps.  From an aromatherapy standpoint, the scent of geranium is very emotionally balancing and uplifting. It is also very useful for many medical and skincare applications.

Is Geranium Scent Similar to Rose Scent?

Geranium is a somewhat floral scent but it is nothing like Rose Absolute. Geranium has a floral smell but with green notes. Even essential oils that are called rose geranium still will not have the depth of a true rose smell.

Benefits of Geranium Essential Oil

Susan's Own Face Serum contains egyptian geranium essential oilPin
Susan’s Own Face Serum

We use geranium in our Egyptian Rose & Sweet Orange Soap as shown in the opening photo.  Geranium seems to particularly resonate with women and aids in dealing with our hormonal issues whether expressed through the skin, the body, or the nerves.  This, along with the fact that it helps bring a radiant glow to your skin is why I include it in Susan’s Own Face Serum.  If you have adult acne that appears to be hormonally triggered, then give this product a try.   I developed it for my own issues with adult acne and used it with great success!

Geranium Smells in Nature

Geranium plantPin

Most of us don’t have scented geraniums in our garden, but there are quite a few scented varieties with a wide range of fragrances. To name a few: rose, nutmeg, lemon, lime, pineapple, and even chocolate.

Unfortunately, we don’t have the same options with essential oils but we can blend the geranium smells with others to create different scent blends. Geranium is considered to blend well with lavender, clove, rose, orange blossom, jasmine, bergamot, and other citrusy scents.

If you are looking for more masculine fragrances then consider blending it with patchouli, clove, sandalwood, or juniper. Don’t be afraid to create a masculine rose scent. It could turn out to be someone’s favorite composition.

The world of perfumery and aromatherapy is a fascinating one. Depending on your preferences let your nose be your guide to creating scent blends that range from sweet and spicy to lemony and earthy. By mixing and blending we can still keep the geranium notes within the overall fragrance we are trying to create.

FAQ – Wrapping It Up!

What does geranium essential oil smell like.?

The geranium scent is considered to be slightly sweet and rosy with herbaceous notes. It is not a cloying rose scent but lightly floral with definite herbal overtones. It typically does not smell like the geranium in your garde

What is geranium essential oil good for?

This is a very emotionally uplifting oil. It just makes you feel good and is particularly useful for helping to balance out women’s hormonal ups and downs. It can be beneficial for everything from stress-related conditions to PMS.

Is geranium essential oil good for your skin?

Geranium essential oil can be very beneficial for skin conditions such as oily complexions, eczema, and broken capillaries. I have used it myself to get rid of my adult acne.

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NOTE:  I am not dispensing medical advice.  If you have one of these conditions and would like to utilize geranium essential oil you need to do your own research and make your own decisions regarding this.

Works referenced in preparing this article:

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless

The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Worwood

7 thoughts on “Geranium Essential Oil – 3 Reasons it’s so Great!”


    This article highlights the greatness of geranium oil. Are there any specific precautions or guidelines to keep in mind when using geranium oil, such as recommended dilution ratios or potential interactions with certain medications?
    Thank you.

    1. Susan Svec

      Hi Vinevida, Thanks for your question but I am afraid I am not qualified to answer it. I just use geranium essential oil in soaps and skin care products in a relatively low concentratiion in accordance with industry standards. I am not making any medical claims per se and can certainly not address any issues regarding potential interactions with medications. If you have concerns along those lines I would consult with your own medical expert.

      Susan Svec

  2. Christine H

    I have lemon scented geranium in my garden. If I put ground dried leaves of this in my soap like people often do with lavender flowers, would this have any negative affects on my soap quality?

    1. Susan Svec

      Hi Christine, Thanks for commenting. I have never added geranium leaves to bars of soap so I really can’t advise you on that. Different additives can definitely affect soap differently. I would keep researching.

      Good luck,

  3. Wow, I had no idea geranium oil was in your face serum that I love! I love the light scent, and I love having an herbal choice for my skincare.

  4. Mrs Helen Gremson

    I agree I only really came to it in the last year but I am a big fan. My therapist said something that made me think about this when she said “you are attracted to smells that you need” when i did research and found all the things Geranium is good for .. PMS, Menopause, Eczema .. tick tick tick ..

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