A customer sent me an email the other day asking what shows I was going to be doing in the new future.ย I emailed her back but realized that I have nothing on either the blog or my website with that information.ย Well it’s now rectified on the blog and soon to be on the website as well.ย On the blog I added a new page entitled “Meet Up” that will have upcoming shows and markets.ย We really don’t do that many shows any more but the few we do attend will listed there.ย We do have a permanent space in the Dallas WTC and are there in person for all four of the Dallas Gift Shows.ย Our space is in the Hemisphere Design Gallery on the 9th floor of the Dallas World Trade Center.
So now if you want to “meet up” you know where to find me.ย I hope you do – I’d love to meet you.
Here are few pictures showing my husband Jerry sampling at the State Fair and a couple of our booth at the Dallas WTC.