Susan’s Soaps merits customer appreciation certificate!

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One of the key cornerstones that I have built my business on has been to give exceptional customer service.ย  (That along with providing all natural product, maintaining our original standards of high quality and not promising what I can’t deliver.)ย  I have always felt that as a small company this was something we should and could deliver on.

Unfortunately, even though we try our best and attempt to double and even triple check everything, sometimes we do make mistakes.ย  Our customers generally let us know when we make a mistake as well they should.ย  In fact, we most definitely want them to let us know when we make a mistake because otherwise we can’t fix it and make it better and even worse we probably don’t even know we made the mistake and may continue to make it.

Of course we do have super nice customers who post on social media sites about how much they love our products or even email me directly with positive feedback.ย  Each of those positive comments always makes my day.

But I have to say until recently, I have never received an express delivery token of appreciation from one of my customers.ย  It not only made my day, it probably made my entire month!!ย  I received the certificate pictured above from theย gals at Unique Online Furniture along with a little cache of sweet treats just to let me know how much they appreciate what I and my team do here at Susan’s Soaps & More.ย  Unique Online Furniture has been a customer of ours for a number of years.ย  They purchase our soaps and then gift them to their own customers that purchase their bath vanities and other products.ย  I think it is a win win for all of us!

I wanted to brag a little on the regard in which some of our customers hold us and also to say that having received such an unexpectedย boostย only reinforces my commitment to providing theย best service and products possible.ย  Business is business but it comes down to people and how you treat them.ย ย Here is aย heartfelt Thank you the Unique Online Furniture Gals for raising the bar!

1 thought on “Susan’s Soaps merits customer appreciation certificate!”

  1. Donna Maria Coles Johnson

    Congrats on this special recognition, Susan! I know you deserve it, and it’s super to see that someone took the time to tell you that in such a special way. Kudos girl, you go!

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