Tranquil Tuesday – Cardinal’s Bathtime

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This video is dedicated to Donna Maria of Indie Business who inspired me to begin filming “my birds” again.ย  Hope you enjoy them.ย  If you have seen my bird videos before this one is by far the best yet as the birds are closer and more active and more of them!ย  Watch them playing in the water and enjoy a 6-minute break from the hectic pace of your day.

I am toying with the idea of trying to create a live feed of my bird bath for my blog.ย  If anyone has any suggestions for me on that I’d love some input.ย  Some of the questions I have so far:

  • Should it be a live feed or a simply a waterproof camera with a motion detector that can store images which I can then edit once a week and post?
  • What is the best (reasonable quality with unexceptionable price) camera out there for either option?
  • If I do a live feed my bird bath is out in the middle of my yard so to get a close up I would either have to go wireless or run a verrrry long cord across the yard which doesn’t sound like a great idea.
  • Again on the live feed does software usually come with the webcam to get it up on my blog or do I have investigate that separately?ย  (I am thinking for the stored videos on disc. I would just edit and publish those through YouTube as normal.)

0 thoughts on “Tranquil Tuesday – Cardinal’s Bathtime”

  1. Super video! So nice to see the birds up close. Thank you, Susan. I wish I had answers for your questions, but have no idea.

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